Found this meaningful poem when searching for poem that can describe my feeling right now
... my biggest fear ever...
My Fears
© Samantha Medlin
Getting left behind
Not being loved
No one understanding
No one caring
my fears
I had a dream
I was lost
No one tried to
find me
No one cared
No one listened
Feeling left out
Feeling like no one
Feeling like No one
can hear me
When I’m screaming
to be heard
Destructive behavior
I have
Wishing I could change
Wishing I could make it
Wishing for another chance
Wishing for someone who
will come and save me
from myself.
my fears
not being heard
being left behind
not being understood
no one caring.
how can I
make people
Disappear from
this world
Show people what
It’s like to
worry, misunderstand
not care.
my fears,
people laugh
people tease
people misjudge
people misunderstand
Behind my back,
they laugh,
so I can't see
them. It hurts.
I hide this
in my heart
making sure
No one sees
my hurt,
Pretending to be
I'm not.
Trying so hard
to fit in
to cover the
scars, trying
so hard,
to be liked
by you.
My feelings
No regrets
Hoping no one
resents me.
After my dream
I wondered...
What am I leaving..
When I leave here?
The pain
I've caused the hurt
the disappointments
The worries
Hoping, now
people understand
people miss
people hear me
and others
Forgetting all,
all the pain, and hurt
I learned to hide
buried deep in
my heart. No way
My fears...are these
p/s: this poem, describe totally how I feel the feeling that I can't express in word myself, the feeling perhaps no one can understand the pain and deep scar that still bleeding from time to time,that I have in my heart.
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